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James R. Bernard is going to visit Los Angeles this spring
James Richard Bernard, the genius of contemporary art, is visiting Los Angeles with his new exhibition at LA Art Center on March, 30. The exhibition is called "The Evolving World", and introduces an absolutely new vision of the modern world including various spheres of our life - social, political, economical, cultural etc. This event will also feature the showcase of artworks by Bernard's colleagues and apprentices who form The American School of Contemporary Art.
Music is now officially proved to have influence on us
During our latest visit, the scientists of the Seattle Scientific Company laboratory have unveiled some information about their current project, and today we can share the results of their research with you.
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The North American Auto Show, one of the most important annual events that influence the international automotive industry and exhibits its main achievements, is eventually confirmed to take place in Chicago, IL. Located on the southwestern coast of Lake Michigan, this city will host representatives of vehicle manufacturers from all over the world. They include American companies (Ford, General Motors), European (Alfa Romeo, Lotus, BMW, FIAT, Seat) as well as Japanese ones and many others.