Prayer request
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Request a prayer.
The question is both a personal one, and a social one. "How do I know God is real?" We know God is real when we experience His 'dimension'. The seemingly invisible touch which you feel when it happens. God wants us to know that He is real. One way you can find out for sure is through a fun little experiment. Join me for a second and say this prayer:
"God, I really want to believe in you, but I need a sign. Please God, I am asking you to show me you are real, otherwise I feel I may lose you" You don't have to tell anyone this prayer, and it can be in your own words. If God doesn't exist, then He can't respond to anyone's prayer. If He exists, He will show you in a way that you will understand
Most folks who have grown up in Christian homes have been exposed to prayer, maybe even taught some prayer. Prayer is part of the culture - the Christian culture. Unfortunately, prayer that is cultural and not based in faith sounds and feels empty. At some point, people praying in this fashion.
The Bible states that God has placed eternity in the hearts of the sons of men (Ecclesiastes 3:11). You have an intuitive knowledge in your heart that there is "something else out there" and that when you die you will not cease to exist - and not just as a memory for others to remember you by. Making the decision to become a Christian is the single most important decision that you will make in your life. If you have ever made a large purchase you may have noticed that you had serious doubts about the wisdom of the purchase after you made the decision. This is what marketers recognize as "buyer's remorse" and is linked to dissonance theory.