Sean Damon
School Portal provides parent and student portals to allow authorized individuals to log in and access grades, class schedules, attendance histories, assignments information and other student information, including messages from teachers. The portals are hosted by Infinite Campus and designed to increase communication between schools and their families. Parents are able to monitor their students' progress and see what assignments are due.
The goal of providing this tool is to help our students be more successful in school. The extra focus and tailored attention of specialized one-to-one private tuition can be the decisive factor that will make the difference to successful learning and good examination grades, ensuring that all students are able to gain the most benefit from their mainstream educational activities and fulfill their academic potential.
Network Administrator
Budget Manager
Managing Editor
Learn new subjects in new ways from mentors, from scholarships for adults and youth.
Experience the performing arts, curated exhibits and arts education in a new space for artists.
Take the next step to start a business or new career by learning new jobs skills.
Innovative courses combined with in person discussions and hands-on learning.
Attend classes, seminars and accessing resources aimed at stress-reduction, nutrition, and wellness.
Learn how to get started with the Parent / Student Portal.
School Portal transportation team coordinates safe student movements to and from schools and extracurricular activities. The team routinely participates in state and national bus safety programs and competitions.
School Portal Learning Services office provides direct support to schools to help faculty create high quality learning opportunities for every child. The team's primary purpose is to support districtwide programs and initiatives.
School Portal school counselors are here to support students and families throughout the educational process. Counselors are an integral part of academic achievement through addressing the student as a whole person with various supports .
Studies show that after school programs improve academic achievement, reduce grade retention and increase student attendance and interest in school. Across the country, after school is a key element in strategies to turn around .