Groomer licensing

Most people in the public are not aware that the pet grooming profession in the USA is almost entirely unregulated. No required training or monitoring of skill or conditions, such as exists with, for example, the cosmetology field. No state at this time requires groomers to be licensed. We have heard grooming clients react with concern, even shock and some fear, to hear that this is the case. Currently, the public operates with the pet grooming industry under the caveat emptor principle – let the buyer beware.

Most people in the public are not aware that the pet grooming profession in the USA is almost entirely unregulated. No required training or monitoring of skill or conditions, such as exists with, for example, the cosmetology field. No state at this time requires groomers to be licensed. We have heard grooming clients react with concern, even shock and some fear, to hear that this is the case. Currently, the public operates with the pet grooming industry under the caveat emptor principle – let the buyer beware.

There is no standardization and no requirements for anyone to hire themselves out as a professional groomer. For example, if a customer asks, “do you know how to groom a Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier?” that the groomer says “yes, I do!” actually there is no law and no guarantee that groomer has to know anything about what cut is standard for that breed.