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Thanks to social media accounts, we live in a time where the and we complement it with practical tools to make living healthy an easier and sustainable process. We started a tradition when our doors first opened in 2007 of doing introductions at the beginning of each class – a tradition which has been adopted by Sportek gyms all over the country.

We create content that engages and informs, and we complement it with practical tools to make living healthy an easier and sustainable process. We started a tradition when our doors first opened in 2007 of doing introductions at the beginning of each class – a tradition which has been adopted by Sportek gyms all over the country. Also, while many of our workouts are timed and competitive, it is all done in a supportive and team-oriented environment. Welcome!

There’s nothing better than having your very own coach and mentor. Need an extra push? Our personal trainers are certified experts in exercise physiology, anatomy, training program development, exercise application and fitness assessments. They work for you no matter your age or fitness level.

The importance of will-power is recognized by most men, yet few deliberately give any time or thought to its development. Why we resist one thing and yield to another may be due to "the strongest motive," but what more particularly concerns us in the study of self-confidence is in what way this mighty power can be built and directed.

Gym caters for all levels of fitness. Among its most impressive aspects are the variety of classes such as spinning for cardio fitness and Body Pump for burning off the excess weight. The gym instructors are another plus point – professional, knowledgeable, dedicated and friendly. The equipment is all brand new and state of the art.

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  • Guest (Russell Turner)

    My sister has been talking a lot about Bernard's pictures and his special approach to every masterpiece he creates. It all sounded so interesting that I could not resist visiting his exhibition in Dallas 3 months ago. What I saw surpassed my expectations. James's works are really spectacular. If you live in LA, I recommend you to visit the upcoming exhibition in this city.

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  • Guest (Jim Johnson)

    Great news! I visited the exhibition of Bernard's Art School in 2010 and it was spectacular. I was completely satisfied with what I saw last month in Miami at his art exhibition. You should definitely visit the upcoming one in LA, you won't regret!

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